Divine Light Healing

Healing & growth for the mind, body, and soul.

Divine Light Healing

Healing & growth for the mind, body, and soul.

Are you ready to achieve long lasting results you desire?

You've come to the right place!​

If you're struggling with fear, anxiety, or phobias that are interfering with your life, you're not alone. Many people find themselves feeling stuck, unable to move forward, and wondering how to break free from the limitations that are holding them back.

But the good news is that there is hope. With my help, you can start to regain your sense of self and get your life flowing again. With this approach we clear patterns completely at all levels, which is the best way to achieve lasting results.

I specialize in helping people release blocks that have been preventing them from achieving their goals. Whether you're looking to improve your relationships, advance your career, make more money with ease, or simply feel more confident in yourself, I can help.

The method I use is tailored to your unique needs and goals, we use muscle testing to communicate with all levels, body to soul. With this approach you will be able to identify and overcome the obstacles that have been holding you back and start living the life you truly deserve.

Are you ready to transform your life? If you're ready to take the first step towards achieving your goals and living your best life, contact me today to schedule a 15-minute consultation to discuss the possibilities and determine if working together is the right fit.

My name is Eliorah, I am a certified mind-body healer trained in HBLU™, a unique and effective mind-body-soul healing methodology. I specialize in helping individuals overcome mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks to success so they can achieve their goals.

My passion for this work stems from the profound impact it has had on my own life and the lives of my clients. I believe that none of us are here to suffer, but rather to live a soul-aligned and meaningful life. That is why I am dedicated to helping my clients reclaim their happiness, overcome fears and anxieties, and move toward a life filled with purpose and joy.

My husband, and our two children, are my constant source of reflection, growth, fun, and gratitude. They are my greatest inspiration and my motivation to be the best version of myself.

If you are ready to make a change, I am confident in our ability to make powerful shifts in your life. I invite you to contact me today to learn more about how I can help you.

How can I Help?

Traumas & PTSD

During a traumatic event, our bodies' fight-or-flight reflex is triggered, and the memory of the reaction remains frozen in the body as unprocessed physical or emotional pain.

By using mind-body techniques, we can release trapped negative energy from the body.

Phobias, Anxiety & Stress

Phobias are exaggerated, irrational emotional reactions. People often find that they can't control or permanently talk themselves out of these reactions.

Many may not even realize that the anxiety they are experiencing is a phobia.

Energetic Boundaries

When people don't have intact energetic boundaries, they find themselves at the mercy of their surroundings.

This can lead to difficulties in making decisions, asking for what they want, and acting in their own best interest.

Transform the Negative Aspects of Your Personality Type

We all have negative and positive aspects of our Enneagram personality type.

By using the Essence Process, we can transform that energy, enabling us to stop engaging in behaviors that limit us.

Traumas & PTSD

During a traumatic event, our bodies' fight-or-flight reflex is triggered, and the memory of the reaction remains frozen in the body as unprocessed physical or emotional pain.

By using mind-body techniques, we can release trapped negative energy from the body.

Phobias, Anxiety & Stress

Phobias are exaggerated, irrational emotional reactions. People often find that they can't control or permanently talk themselves out of these reactions.

Many may not even realize that the anxiety they are experiencing is a phobia.

Energetic Boundaries

When people don't have intact energetic boundaries, they find themselves at the mercy of their surroundings.

This can lead to difficulties in making decisions, asking for what they want, and acting in their own best interest.

Transform the Negative Aspects of Your Personality Type

We all have negative and positive aspects of our Enneagram personality type.

By using the Essence Process, we can transform that energy, enabling us to stop engaging in behaviors that limit us.

Schedule a free 15 minute consultation​

© 2024 Eliorah Weisman

Divine Light Healing
